Qigong Master



This site is dedicated to Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang, his antecedent Shifus, and his lineage disciples. You’ll find information on Master Zhang’s teachings based on classical Eastern culture & tradition stemming from over 5,000 years of history. Our goal is to promote Qigong around the world and spread practical application methods based on ancient knowledge.

Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang offers teachings based on the transmissions of distinguished successors of the following lineages:

  1. Yellow Emperor’s Concealed Transcendent Lineage of Primordial Taiji, the Eight Trigrams, Internal Kung Fu & Sword Technique, and the Way of Alchemy. Originating 4,718 years ago, 1st-152nd generation.

  2. Shushan Concealed Transcendent Dragon Gate Lineage. 1st-14th generation.

  3. Mt. Wudang Dragon Gate Lineage. 1st-26th generation.

  4. Shaolin Temple Zen, Martial Arts & Medicine. Originating 1,525 years ago, 1st-35th generation.

  5. Xingyi Quan Way of Alchemy. 1st-8th generation.

  6. Dong Haichuan Ba Gua Zhang and Way of Alchemy. 1st-6th generation.

Qigong is a combination of mind, body and spirit cultivation; it opens the gates to that part of ourselves which often times lies dormant in this modern age.
Through energy cultivation, people can awaken their true nature and bring healing to not only their bodies, but also to the rest of their beings.

What is Qigong?

A couple of times a year, Master Zhang takes students on Medical Qigong & Internal Kungfu Study Tours to Sichuan & Tibet, China. For information check out the events page.

Interested in Studying Qigong?

Upcoming Events & Workshops