Qigong Master


to Aug 31

A Supplication for Remotely Eliminating Calamity & Elevating the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual State of the World

全球遥感消災祈福 提升身心灵魂境界

A Supplication for Remotely Eliminating Calamity & Elevating the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual State of the World


Announcing the Co-Cultivation of Greater Love Energy


I. The Origin & Theory of Global Co-Cultivation 


为了化解人类自我毁灭的危机,帮助有缘人战胜病毒,祈福世界更美好,2020年2月29日,联合国总部名家论坛主席、西藏圣山万年传承长生久视密法20世纪公开传授第一代掌门大宗师、蜀山黄帝隐仙派古典道医养药医圣心法、皇家心易风水学第150代掌门大宗师,武当山全真龙门派拳剑金丹医道第17代掌门大宗师道号张教宗,少林寺元禅武医第31代大宗师法名释德明,美国执业针灸东方传统医学医师续照必修学分课程《黄帝内经天罡炁针疗法临床绝技》创立人、宇宙能量灵性书画影视音乐心易五行八卦疗癒法创立人、中国中医药事业奠基人吕炳奎亲传弟子、亲聘教授、黄帝隐仙派医圣心法150代掌门大宗师、美国公民张元明,在美国太平洋海岸Laguna Beach海天能量场,启动了《宇宙大愛能量消災祈福 全球遥感提升身心灵炁场密码应用教育》,作了如下开示:

In order to dissolve humanity’s self-destructive crisis, help interconnected individuals defeat illness, and beseech the blessings of a more beautiful world, Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang, American citizen and chairman of the United Nations Masters Colloquium; the first grandmaster to reveal the ten thousand year old secret of immortality from the holy mountain of Tibet in the 20th century; 150th Generation Lineage Foremost Leader of the heart and mind techniques of ancient Daoist medicine, wellness, and pharmacology of the Yellow Emperor’s Concealed Transcendent Lineage of Shushan; 150th Generation Lineage Leader of the Imperial Family Heart Transformation Feng Shui Lineage; the 17th Generation Lineage Foremost Leader of the Mt. Wudang Dragon Gate Lineage of Internal Kungfu & Sword Technique and the Way of Alchemy (Dao name Zhang Jiaozong); the 31st Generation Lineage Holder of the Shaolin Temple’s Zen, Martial Arts and Pharmacology (Zen name Shi Deming); founder of the U.S. NCCAOM TCM continuing education certification course, “The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon on Celestial Dipper Clinical Qi Acupuncture Techniques,” creator of healing music, videos, and art techniques for cultivating universal energy derived from the Eight Trigrams (Bagua), the Five Phases (Wu Xing), and Heart Transformation (Xin Yi), hand-picked disciple of Lü Bingkui, the founder of modern Chinese medicine, honorary professor, and 150th generation successor and lineage holder in the Yellow Emperor’s Esoteric Transcendent Lineage (Yinxian pai) of Sacred Healing Techniques for the Heart-Mind, initiated the “Teaching of Secret Applications of the Universal Energy of Greater Love to Remotely Eliminate Calamity, Beseech Blessings, and to Elevate Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual States Throughout the World” on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Laguna Beach on February 29th, 2020.  He offers the following instruction:

1. Everyone possesses a source of divine healing within their own body.  Grandmaster Zhang activated the latent self-healing potential of the body of those assembled and personally transmitted the “Explanation of the Classic of the Body’s Innate Divine Mental and Emotional Healing and the Diagram on the Resonance and Response of Primal Spirit in the Inner Landscape.”

2. The Marvelous Classic on the Jade Emperor’s Heart & Mind Seal states: “There are three grades of superior medicine, spirit (Shen), vitality (Qi), and refined essence (Jing). The Diagram on the Inner Landscape drafted by Grandmaster Zhang’s Yellow Emperor’s Esoteric Transcendent Lineage reveals the esoteric techniques for cultivating and refining these three treasures of humanity – spirit (Shen), vitality (Qi), and refined essence (Jing).

3. The Yellow Emperor’s Sacred Techniques for Healing the Heart-Mind & Esoteric Techniques for Beautifying Complexion, Extending Longevity, and Nurturing Life were taught to remotely eliminate calamity, beseech blessings, and to elevate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states.

4. Modern science holds that the highest forms of universal energy are sound and lightwaves.  Grandmaster Zhang imparted the heart & mind techniques for eliminating calamity and beseeching blessings, along with the resonance and response of sound and light waves from the universe and nature within the microcosm of the human body. He also transmitted the spiritual secrets of spiritual gravitational waves and cosmic gravitational waves to the participants.

5. Grandmaster Zhang imparted the Dragon Pearl and Divine Light Heart-Mind Technique for Resonance and Response to eliminate calamity and beseech blessings from the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon.  He also besought the prosperity and success of his co-cultivators.

6. He taught the resonance and response between humanity and the heavens, how to work together to promote upright Qi and overcome deviant Qi, to eliminate calamity and prevent disease and illness; how to transform the heart and mind of humanity to become a blessing, to strengthen and increase energy and vigor in life, and how to seize the opportunities and seasons of life.

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On March 5th, 1988, Yuanming Zhang formally “came out of the mountains” to impart the Heart-Mind technique for transmitting universal energy through gathering and co-cultivation to replenish the Qi of the masses.  He traveled throughout China teaching for three years, holding over a hundred events with tens of thousands of participants practicing remote co-cultivation.  The two books he authored, Expounding the Diagram of Authentic Kung Fu from the Esoteric Traditions of Wudang and Qingcheng and China’s Original Light Qigong: Spirit Qigong from the Celestial Dipper, sold over 800,000 copies and over one hundred million people benefitted from attending his events, learning his techniques, and receiving energy remotely.


On May 28th, 1989 Master Zhang helped over a thousand people replenish their Qi at the Shanghai Science Hall by blanketing the hall with his own Qi.  Simultaneously, scientists more than a thousand miles away at Northwestern University in the city of Xi’an conducted a scientific experiment measuring the remote transmission of his Qi.  Their results were published in the study, “A Remote Experiment on the Influence of Original Light Qigong on Structural Phenomena.”


On March 3rd, 1990, Master Zhang held a medical Qigong convocation for over 1000 people at Fudan University in Shanghai to report on the resonance and response of his Qi replenishment practice.  At the venue, scientists used instrumentation to measure the strength of the replenishing Qi Master Zhang emitted during various forms of Qigong performed on site.  The results showed the presence of high energy particles three times higher than the naturally occurring baseline levels of the venue.  It was the highest levels the team had measured from among over 50 Qigong masters and specialists.


On September 9th, 1992, Master Zhang spoke at the Master’s Colloquium at United Nations Headquarters, consulted for the United Nations Qigong Society, and established a Qi-space for the Global Greater Love Universal Energy Co-Cultivation event benefiting participants from over 190 countries. 



II. The Unique Benefits to Co-Cultivation Participants

1. In order to allow participants of global co-cultivation to transform and refine their physical, mental, and emotional states, Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang personally created on-site videos of the Heart-Mind Technique for Resonating with and Responding to Light and Sound, the Highest Form of Universal Energy. Participants will study in a special online group. 

2. The spiritual artwork, writings, and videos on universal energy created by Master Zhang have been specifically selected for members of co-cultivation for use in strengthening the energy of their home Qi-space.



3. Methods of Remote Blessing Supplication Resonance & Response Co-Cultivation

1. Grandmaster Zhang teaches the methods of transformation through video and audio recordings to the Global Co-Cultivators.

2. Utilizing the Spiritual Secrets of Seeds of Greater Love, Imbuing Energy Water with Qi, & Drinking Time: Every day, local time. Every time you drink energy water, do an internal visualization, serenity, and nurture practice for 3-5 minutes. Master Zhang recommends doing the energy water meditation at the following times each day. As often as you can.

[1] Morning, 5-6am 

[2] Afternoon, 11am-1pm

[3] Evening, 5-7pm

4. Individualized One-to-One Sessions 

Students are welcome to make appointments for personalized teaching sessions or remote healing sessions. 


  1. Individualized lessons via conference call (Zoom, Skype). From $500 per hour.


  1. Personalized remote healing done every day starts at $2,400 per month. 

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V. Global Director Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang’s Academic Background


Yuanming Zhang, American citizen. Grandmaster of the five sacred Heart-Mind Cultivations techniques of Confucian, Buddhist, Daoist, Medical, and Martial Arts cultures.

150th generation Grandmaster and foremost leader of the Shushan Yellow Emperor’s Concealed Transcendent Lineage’s ancient Daoist Medicine, Wellness, and Pharmacology and Heart-Mind Cultivation as well as the Imperial Heart Transformation (Xinyi) Feng Shui Method. 

The first grandmaster to reveal the ten thousand year old secret of immortality from the holy mountain of Tibet in the 20th century. 

Oriental Medical Doctoral Supervisor. 



The first extraordinary person who lectured at the United Nations headquarters in the 20th century as a living fossil manifestation of the near-extinct 5000-year-old Oriental medical culture.

The only living spiritual master with 54-years of concealed transcendent (immortal) cultivation in seclusion at an altitude of more than 4000 meters in the sacred Tibetan Xueyu mountains and also the Earth's Arctic 10,000-year-old glacial valley retreat, to do alchemical training through naked heavenly bathing, Bigu fasting, and conduct blessings on the world.


38 years of clinical treatment and teaching experience. He is a professor of acupuncture and offers original continuing education unit courses in the United States for the California Acupuncture Board and NCCAOM. 


Grandmaster and foremost lineage holder of the heart-mind cultivation techniques of Zhang Liang, an imperial tutor to the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Also the leading lineage holder of the techniques of eminent physician Zhang Zhongjing of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang received a Chinese Medicine Doctorate personally certified by Lü Bingkui. He is also Lü Bingkui’s direct disciple who received complete transmission of sacred healing techniques for Heart-Mind cultivation. Lü Bingkui is the first director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China and the founder of New China's Traditional Chinese Medicine industry.


The 17th generation Grandmaster of Mt. Wudang Quanzhen Dragon Gate Lineage’s Fist & Sword, Way of Alchemy and Daoist Medicine. His Dao name is Zhang Jiaozong.


The 31st generation Grandmaster of the Shaolin Temple’s Zen, Martial Arts and Medicine. His Zen name is Shi Deming. 

Founder and lineage master of the five traditions of Zen Practice at the Holy Mount Wanfu in the United States. His Zen name is Guoming Miaoyuan.


In 1963, Zhang Yuanming was born in what was in antiquity the sacred land of King Yufu of the ancient Shu Kingdom. His father and grandfather trained him in the heart-mind cultivation methods of the Zhang family ancestors. These methods originate from the Han Dynasty Concealed Transcendent Lineage’s forefather Zhang Liang, who was the imperial tutor to the emperor. Grandmaster Zhang has been practicing Daoist Medical Taiji, Way of Alchemy, and Zen meditation nonstop every midnight since he was 3 years old. He frequented the sacred mountains of Tibet and Shushan for cultivation in seclusion and encountered Huolong Zhen Ren, the Daoist spiritual masters of Fire Dragon Internal Alchemy. Through these encounters, he was taught and received the secret teachings of the Fire Dragon Way of Alchemy. 


From 1982 to 1988, he followed his teacher Yu Wencai to instruct and do treatments on patients with difficult illnesses. Yu Wencai was the President of a TCM hospital in Wenjiang, Sichuan Province and also a famous TCM doctor and Grandmaster of Qigong and Martial Arts.


On March 5, 1988, Zhang Yuanming officially opened up to the world and began publicly teaching his methods. He developed a remote energy healing method where he creates a Qi-field that can simultaneously regulate and bless the spirit and health of the 1,000-10,000 participants in his events. He conducted these events for three years and within these three years he has affected around 100 million people from various parts of the world. This form of remote energy healing is based on Xinyi, Confucian, Buddhist and Daoist Medical and Martial heart-mind cultivation techniques. 


On May 28th, 1989 Master Zhang helped over a thousand people replenish their Qi at the Shanghai Science Hall by blanketing the hall with his own Qi.  Simultaneously, scientists more than a thousand miles away at Northwestern University in the city of Xi’an conducted a scientific experiment measuring the remote transmission of his Qi.  Their results were published in the study, “A Remote Experiment on the Influence of Original Light Qigong on Structural Phenomena.”


On March 3rd, 1990, Master Zhang held a medical Qigong convocation for over 1000 people at Fudan University in Shanghai to report on the resonance and response of his Qi replenishment practice.  At the venue, scientists used instrumentation to measure the strength of the replenishing Qi Master Zhang emitted during various forms of Qigong performed on site.  The results showed the presence of high energy particles three times higher than the naturally occurring baseline levels of the venue.  It was the highest levels the team had measured from among over 50 Qigong masters and specialists.

1992年9月9日,张元明在联合国总部讲学、开创名家论坛,成为在联合国总部、斯坦福大学、哈佛大学、 康奈尔大学系统讲学、全球巡回传授中华传统武学仙佛医道养生第一人,利益天下。《世界日报》、《斯坦福大学报》、《侨报》、《美国中文电视台》等媒体专题报道。

On September 9, 1992, Zhang Yuanming gave lectures at the United Nations Headquarters. Following this event, he created the U.N. Master’s Colloquium and became the first person to go on a global tour and present a series of lectures in the United Nations Headquarters on Chinese traditional martial arts, oriental medicine, Buddhist and Daoist immortal methods of cultivating health, benefitting many in the world. He has also presented lectures at several universities including Stanford University, Harvard University, and Cornell University. "Chinese Daily News", “Stanford University Campus Report”, "Overseas Chinese News", "American Chinese TV" and other media channels conducted special reports.


In 1993 became a lifelong research Professor, Doctor, and International Department Director at the Huaxi Chinese and Western Medical Research Institute in Sichuan, China.


Since 1994 in the United States, Zhang Yuanming has published more than 300 books, essays, monographs, and selected DVD textbooks on martial arts, traditional Chinese medicine and energy art health preservation, including “Hsin-Yi Five Elements Boxing”, “Hsin-Yi 12 Animals”, “Wudang Qing Cheng Nei Dan Taiji Sword”, “Shaolin Chan-mi Broadsword”,  "Illustrated Guide to Xingyi Martial Art", “Taoist Taiji Boxing”, “Primordial Taiji Quan and Way of Alchemy”, "Huang Di Nei Jing Heart-Mind Cultivation Method" and other series.


In 1994 became an adjunct professor at Central China Normal University. 


In 1995, he became the director and professor of the Department of Acupuncture & Qigong of Beijing Guangming College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


In 1996, he developed a series of continuing education courses on energy medicine for acupuncture and Chinese medicine practitioners in the United States certified by the NCCAOM and California Board of Acupuncture. He is the dean and professor of the International Qigong Medical College.


In 1998 founded  Enbo Tibetan Medicine and Herbs Institute in Aba County and became honorary Director and top level researcher.


In 2000, he was a doctoral supervisor to Ph.D students of Oriental Medicine at Boston University.2005年,张元明创意主导在联合国总部推出华人艺术家第一人,《白庚延中国山水画作品展》并主持《宇宙在手,万化由心》名家论坛。白庚延作品2011年市值破亿,实为中华复兴先行典范。

In 2005, Zhang Yuanming creatively organized at the United Nations Headquarters, an exhibition by a top Chinese artist and arts professor, "Bai Gengyan’s Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition", and hosted the "Universe in Hand, All Changes From the Heart" famous artist forum. The market value of Bai Gengyan's works in 2011 exceeded 100 million yuan, which is indeed a leading example of Chinese renaissance.


In 2012, he went to Canada to host the 21st World Culture and Art Training Expo with Famous Artists;

2013年11月12日,张元明前往全世界最大的投资银行Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利在纽约的全球总部,创立世界养生同修大愛投资论坛总能量炁场,张元明的祈福转运正能量直接利益了Morgan Stanley 的股值大增,助其主导马云的啊里巴巴公司于2014年9月在美国上市大获成功。

On November 12th, 2013 Zhang Yuanming went to the world's largest investment bank Morgan Stanley’s global headquarters in New York and created the Global Universal Love Co-Cultivation and Investment Forum. Morgan Stanley's stock value greatly increased upon creation of Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang’s special energy field to help the company and its leaders. This also helped the Alibaba Company, founded by Jack Ma, to be successfully listed in the United States in September 2014.


Yuanming Zhang is the organizing chairman of the Annual United Nations Headquarters, U.S. “Light in the World” Award and Annual Meeting on World Cultural Travel Arts and Macrobiotic Health & the “Cloud Roaming” Global Itinerant Research Competition which began in 2018. 


On August 20-22, 2019, Zhang Yuanming went to the U.S. Air Force Academy to give lectures, organize, and host the “Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the United States-China Friendship Culture and Art Festival - the first global tour of the World Art and Culture Heritage Preservation of Manuscripts of the Masters, and Calligraphy Relics Cultural Exhibition”


Every season Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang holds the World Cultural Tourism & Macro Health Alliance Masters Seminar event and conducts Culture & Health tours in the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, Taiwan and other countries.

Yuanming Zhang - Current Positions


Buffalo State, The State University of New York, Center for China Studies Director of International Affairs Office, Special Professor of Chinese Studies


United Nations Masters Colloquium, A Nonprofit Corporation


World Macrohealth Alliance for Cultural Travel Chairman 


World Yangsheng Association Chairman


United Nations Energy Field Research Association Chairman


President of Five Arts Academy, Inc. 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization 

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to Aug 19

Individualized One-to-One Sessions

Individualized One-to-One Sessions 

Students are welcome to make appointments for personalized teaching sessions on subjects of their choosing or remote healing sessions. 

Click here to view Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang’s history and methods of remote treatment.


  1. Individualized lessons via conference call (Zoom, Skype). From $500 per hour.


  1. Personalized remote Qi therapy done every day starts at $2,400 per month. Also includes Qi-infused energy water and meditation. Contact us for payment options/assistance.

Please contact us at info@qigongmaster.com with inquiries or to book an appointment.

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to Mar 6




2/4-10,Boston , MA

Private Qigong classes and treatments

Contact Dee Ramee at (617) 959-6097 for more information.

2/11-18,Laguna Beach, CA 

Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com

2/20-3/1, Buffalo, NY

716-803-0113. Susi Rosinski at WNY Qigong 

Email chisusi99@gmail.com

3/2-6,Boston , MA

Private Qigong classes and treatments

Contact Dee Ramee at (617) 959-6097 for more information.

3/6 to 3/13 Coconut Creek, Florida. 

QiGong classes and private treatments

Pratiti Pryor


Ms Pratiti Pryor • pratpryor@yahoo.com

3/7- 3/10 Ohso meditation weekend  Hallandale, Florida

Pratiti Pryor


Ms Pratiti Pryor • pratpryor@yahoo.com

3/14-4/12,Laguna Beach, CA 

Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

4/13-29,New York City and Long Island, NY


 to schedule your individual Qigong Healing Treatments and class.

5/1-6,Boston , MA

Private Qigong classes and treatments

Contact Dee Ramee at (617) 959-6097 for more information.

5/8-6/5,Laguna Beach, CA 

Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com

6/29-7/7,Beijing, Shaolin Temple, Qingcheng Mountain in Chengdu, and Ganbao Tibetan Village in Li County, Sichuan.China



10/5-21,New York City and Long Island, NY


 to schedule your individual Qigong Healing Treatments and class.

View Event →

to Dec 31


  • Google Calendar ICS


3/20-4/14,Boston , MA

Private Qigong classes and treatments

Contact Dee Ramee at (617) 959-6097 for more information.

4/15-4/28, New York City and Long Island, NY


 to schedule your individual Qigong Healing Treatments and class.

4/29-5/13, Buffalo, NY

716-803-0113. Susi Rosinski at WNY Qigong

Email chisusi99@gmail.com

5/15-5/19, Laguna Beach, CA

Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com

7/1-7/15, China,



9/10-9/18,Laguna Beach, CA 

Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com

9/22-10/30, Buffalo, NY

716-803-0113. Susi Rosinski at WNY Qigong 

Email chisusi99@gmail.com

10/31-11/10,Boston , MA

Private Qigong classes and treatments

Contact Dee Ramee at (617) 959-6097 for more information.

11/10-24, New York City and Long Island, NY


 to schedule your individual Qigong Healing Treatments and class.

November 12-24, 2024: Zhang Yuanming's Global Online and Offline Transmission of Teachings at the Gu Dao Guan in New York

From November 12 to 24, 2024, Zhang Yuanming will be at the Gu Dao Guan in Long Island, New York, transmitting the teachings of Shaolin Temple's Yuan Zen Martial Medicine, as well as the Heavenly Immortal Dao’s Yuan Shen Induction for Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Blissful Secrets. He will also teach Zhang Yuanming's Space Energy Medicine – the Tian Gang Divine Needle's clinical treatment techniques.

On November 25, Zhang Yuanming will fly to Asia.

November 11, 2024: Zhang Yuanming performed alchemy and energy transmission at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, invoking the Yuan Shen Induction and the cosmic energy of great love. He conducted a blessing ceremony, with the manifestation of the Golden Elixir and Seven-Colored Divine Light, bringing transformation and peace to people's hearts and creating a better reality.

September 9 - November 24, 2024: Zhang Yuanming traveled through Canada and the United States, conducting cloud-based Zen cultivation, alchemy, and teaching. He hosted the global 2024 Autumn-Winter Cosmic Great Love Energy Health and Meditation Retreat at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

View Event →
to Oct 31




8/13-16, Buffalo, NY

716-803-0113. Susi Rosinski at WNY Qigong 

Email chisusi99@gmail.com

8/17-24,North Center, Toronto, Canada

Email: briteacts964@gmail.com

Catarina Joy.

585 749 4941

8/25-29,Buffalo, NY

716-803-0113. Susi Rosinski at WNY Qigong 

Email chisusi99@gmail.com

8/30-9/4,Laguna Beach, CA Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com

9/6-10/2,Taiwan, Macau, Chengdu, China

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com

10/5-10,Laguna Beach, CA Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com

View Event →
to Mar 31

Qigong Class and Treatment Schedule 2021-2022

9/15-28, Laguna Beach, CA Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com

9/29-10/31, Buffalo, NY

716-803-0113. Susi Rosinski at WNY Qigong

Email chisusi99@gmail.com

11/1-8,Boston , MA

Private Qigong classes and treatments

Contact Dee Ramee at (617) 959-6097 for more information.

11/10-12/31, Laguna Beach, CA Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com


1/8-30,2022, New York City and Long Island, NY

Contact Eastgate Acupuncture at (646) 719-1883

or email stevejackowicz@gmail.com to schedule your individual Qigong Healing Treatments and class.

2/1-8,Boston , MA

Private Qigong classes and treatments

Contact Dee Ramee at (617) 959-6097 for more information.

2/10-3/31, Laguna Beach, CA Qigong by the Sea Workshop with 15 CA Acupuncture CEU’s

For more information contact Suze Angel at (949) 677-3434 or email suzeangel007@gmail.com

View Event →
to Dec 31

Treatment Sessions in Laguna Beach, CA

Come experience a private healing session with Master Zhang in Laguna Beach, California! Master Zhang uses a variety of methods such as Dian Xue acupoint treatment, Tuina massage, sound therapy with Tibetan bowls, and Qi therapy to bring your body and spirit back into alignment for your best health. He is also available to advise you on your health through his teachings based on East Asian Medicine.

Please contact us at info@qigongmaster.com or call host Suze Angel at 949-677-3434 to book your appointment.

1st Session: $500 (Assessment, Treatment Program, Recommendations)
Subsequent Sessions: $300
Approx. 60-90 minutes

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